Procedure Design
Periodic Reviews
Fly-By NUNES design Instrument Flight Procedures (IFPs) for airports to facilitate safe arrivals, landings and take-offs. Flight procedures at airports need to be reviewed periodically, as required by Civil Aviation Regulations, for a period not exceeding 5 years, as prescribed by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).
Fly-By NUNES consult with the client and formulate a total list of amendments required to be made including:
the procedure(s) in terms of their usability
whether they are still fit-for-purpose
the latest available criteria
the safety aspects that need to be addressed.
The periodic review process requires that existing procedure(s) are re-constructed from first principles using the latest design criteria, and that an assessment of the most recent obstacle field data is carried out against the re-constructed design(s).
The IFP Periodic reviews we undertake are comprehensive and include for each design:
a detailed report on any data that has changed
existing obstacle data and new obstacle data assessments
recommended changes to the procedure(s)
recommendations to mitigate observed or potential reduction in safety of the procedure(s).
Please contact us if you would like more information about how we can help you with Procedure Design Periodic Reviews.